YCL Statement on International Day against Homophobia & Transphobia

Today 17/05/2014 is the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. On this day we celebrate the diversity of gender and sexuality throughout humanity. We can look to the progress already made towards greater LGBT rights – but also consider the massive tasks which lie ahead of us, not only here in Britain, but on a […]

YCL Emergency Protest at Ukrainian Embassy

There was a fantastic turnout at the YCL’s emergency demonstration outside the Ukrainian Embassy in London yesterday (14/05/2014). Communists, trade-unionists and antifascists gathered at the demonstration called by the Young Communist League to condemn the EU-US-NATO led intervention in the country and to protest against the rise of fascism and attacks on communists and trade-unionists in […]

Statement of Communist Party of Ukraine on Explusion from Parliament

The Young Communist League in Britain extends our deepest and strongest solidarity to our comrades in Ukraine. We mourn the loss of comrades brutally killed by the Neo-Nazi junta in Ukraine and call for a complete end the suppression of communists and trade unionists in Ukraine. If any further evidence was needed of the fascist, […]

Communist Party of Britain Statement on Events in Ukraine

The Communist Party of Britain condemns the continuing violation of the 17 April Geneva Declaration by the coup government in Kiev as a grave threat to world peace. The Geneva declaration stated that all sides in Ukraine ‘must refrain from any violence, intimidation or provocative action’. It called for ‘the immediate establishment of a broad […]

Tories Push Nationalism on Bolton’s Children

Statement from YCL North-West on enforced jingoism in Bolton’s Schools Motivated by a desire to regain votes lost to UKIP, Bolton Tory Mudasir Dean succesfully passed a motion to request that schools in Bolton fly the Union Jack and sing God Save the Queen on a daily basis. Mudasir will be up against his ex-colleague […]

Ukraine: Fascist Barbarism

Communist Party member Kenny Coyle examines the liberal media’s refusal to put the true politics of Kiev’s neonazi groups under the spotlight. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 29/04/2014 On the internet there is a tongue-in-cheek axiom known as Godwin’s Law. It holds that in online discussions on any conceivable topic it is only a matter of […]

World Federation of Democratic Youth Statement May Day 2014

The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) on the First of May On the First on May, the Workers Day. The day that resembles the righteous of the peoples in a prosperous developed world. In a world, that reaches their presence as individuals with a right to produce, a developed society. Being the ones that […]

UKIP Exposed: No Friend of the Workers!

In a searing editorial, Britain’s socialist daily, the Morning Star exposes UKIP – but takes the left to task for complacency too. Ukip is just as much a part of the neoliberal Establishment as the Tories or the EU. Progressives are rightly appalled by the incendiary anti-immigrant message being plastered on billboards across Britain by the […]