Sunday morning Education Classes with a visit from Communist Party of Britain General Secretary Robert Griffths who spoke on the CP and Elections; and the CP and the National Question
Summer Camp 2014
A bit of nice weather for breaking camp
The final ascent to the summit
Saturday night dinner and social
After a wet and windy Friday evening setting up camp YCLers prepare to set off for Kinder Scout
Summer Camp 2014
Dealing with the swollen stream crossing method #1
Executive Committee Member Daoud Hamdani leading a class on Marxism Back2Basics
Stopping off to hear a bit about the history of the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass of 1932
Saturday night dinner and social
Visiting Communist Party of Britain Executive Committee Member Steve Johnson leading a class on Democratic Centralism
Dealing with the swollen stream crossing method #2
Kinder Scout Hike
Marching through the village of Edale
Kinder Scout Hike
Summer Camp 2014
Sunday morning Education Classes
Leaving the village and heading into the foothills
Busy bar service at the Saturday night social
Hotly contested game of table tennis doubles before the Saturday night dinner and social!
Kinder Scout Hike
Stopping off for a rest half way up
Kinder Scout Hike
Former YCL General Secretary George Waterhouse leading a class on Trade Unions back at camp after a bit of lunch
Reblogged this on Young Communist League Scotland and commented:
Very proud to have a big Scottish Contingent heading down to Edale that weekend!
This looks really cool. I do hope they do another next year, as I would like to go..
We’re having another camp this August comrade!
Does ‘young’ mean anyone under 18?
Under 28 comrade. For more information you can email