Communists and supporters in the east of England held a political day school and district congress in Cambridge on Saturday 25 January. First reported on CP website.
The Political day school, attended by party activists and supporters from Norwich, Bury St Edmunds, Wymondham, Essex, Cambridge, Ipswich, Hadleigh, St Neots and Ely, was divided in to four sessions:
Introduction from CP General Secretary Robert Griffiths
A ‘build your branch’ session, with participants working in groups to discuss problems facing branches and how best to plan work
Eastern District and the No2EU-Yes to worker’s rights campaign between January and 22 May, with guest speaker Brian Denny, No2EU coordinator
Building the People’s Assembly in the East, with guests Steve Sweeney Hunts Trades Council and David Peel PA Norfolk.
The day was quite the best event run by the District since the refounding of the party, with non-stop participation – agreement and disagreement – and a sharing of experience.
The day demonstrated how rooted our party is in activity across the East but also, how much more there is to be done. Participants looked forward to the CP national recruitment campaign.
Amongst the decisions taken at the School:
To produce a CP district pamphlet on the People’s Assembly movement.
Join with other signatories in No2EU campaign to invite all trades councils in the East to host a debate on EU and austerity between now and May.
To call on all CP branches in Eastern district to hold an educational meeting branch meeting, during the election campaign, devoted to explaining the EU, Sovereignty and the struggle against austerity.
To call on the new district committee to consider hosting a political education school to be held in 2014 [which may be residential].
Focus district campaigning, in league with Country Standard, on the 100th anniversary of the Burston School Strike in September.
To call on branches to step-up involvement in local PAs and to attend the recall conference on March 15th.
Later in the early evening a district congress elected a new committee, and passed motions on:
Party education.
Organising amongst students in Higher Education.
Developing support for the People’s Assembly.
Reorganisation of branches in the Eastern District.
To urge branches to send as many delegates as possible to the CP Trade Union Cadre School on March 8/9.