Communists Condemn Islamic State and Imperialism

Communists domiciled in Britain from seven different countries met in London at the weekend to discuss issues of Islamic fundamentalism. Members of communist and workers parties in Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Cyprus, Greece, Bangladesh and Guyana as well as Britain condemned Islamic State (ISIS) and similar movements as fundamentally reactionary, sectarian and anti-communist. But they also […]

YCLers in Action in East England

January saw the first meeting of the YCL in Eastern England in 2015, the early beginnings of regenerating an active and visible YCL presence in the area. At the meeting in Colchester the district decided upon its course of action; to grow and strengthen the movement by the combined activities of recruitment and education; and identifying […]

May 2015: Young Communists to Stand for Parliament

Young communists are represented in the Young Communist League, which has been in the forefront of fighting for the rights of young workers, apprentices and students since early in 1921.  The YCL was the first organisation in Britain to campaign for extending the vote to 16 year olds, and in the general election, two members […]

First meeting of the new Executive Committee – priorities for 2015

The Young Communist League’s new Executive Committee met for the first time over the weekend since the last Congress. Elected to the EC in December at our 47th Congress were Laura-Jane Rossington, Julian Jones, Ryan Boyle, Robin Talbot, Calum Baird, Daragh O’Neil, Johnnie Hunter, Daoud Hamdani, Owain Holland and Zoe Hennessy.

Challenge: Latest Issue

Challenge : January 2015 [January 2015; Volume 21; Issue 37] £1.50 + £1 P&P Challenge is the quarterly journal of the YCL – it regularly contains articles covering all the latest news and views of the YCL, developments international, articles covering important historical developments, culture, different campaigns and struggles taking place in Britain and the rest of the […]