Press in the Murdoch Media: YCL involvement in Extinction Rebellion protests

On Saturday 5 September, following Extinction Rebellion protests that aimed to block distribution of The Sun, The Times, The Express, The Mail and The Evening Standard (all owned by News Corporation, a right-wing and anti-working class media monopoly belonging to Rupert Murdoch), The Times and The Express reported that members of the Young Communist League […]

YCL: Response to the article in The Times about the YCL and Extinction Rebellion

The YCL, coming up to its centenary next year, recognises all of those who have struggled, like us, against capitalism — especially those in the environmental movement, who took the fight to the corporations killing our planet when no one else would. Environmental destruction is an inevitable product of the capitalist system. Capitalism has proven […]

Press in Morning Star: We need an “education revolution” and the end of “privatisation, atomisation and the drive for profit” in education

On 16 August 2020 the statement of the Executive Committee on the unjust A Level and vocational qualification results was quoted in the Morning Star. Tories’ A-Level fiasco takes turn for the worse as Ofqual pulls appeals advice, by Lamiat Sabin The government’s mishandling of A-level results descended further into chaos at the weekend after […]

YCL Statement on the Summer Budget

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement in response to the Governments Summer Budget.

Common Announcement in Solidarity with the youth and the people of the USA

Common Announcement the Communist, Progressive and Anti-imperialist Youth organisations of the world The Communist, progressive and Anti-imperialist Youth Organisations, that sign this common announcement, we condemn the most recent criminal acts in the USA,  the brutal murder of  Afro-American George Floyd, by the police, and the violent repression and attempted criminalisation of  the struggles against […]

Voices of Scotland in the Morning Star: COVID-19 and the balance of class forces

Lanarkshire Branch Secretary Josh Morris, who is also a young GMB shop steward, wrote in the Morning Star about how COVID-19 has changed the balance of class forces with new success in organising at work. Voices of Scotland: “This was true working class solidarity” I usually work as a lifeguard. I sit at the side […]

YCL: Cummings must go – and take the government with him

The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in response to the fiasco at Downing Street. YCL: Tory government’s response to Coronavirus is criminal – 13 March 2020. Communist Party of Britain statement on the COVID-19 crisis – 19 March 2020. YCL: negligent Tories failing to protect working […]

YCL Statement on VE Day

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark the 75th Anniversary of Victory over Fascism in Europe. 

YCL Statement on May Day 2020

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark International Workers Day 2020.