YCL Statement in solidarity with the peoples of Western Sahara

The Young Communist League has issued a statement in solidarity of the peoples of Western Sahara. With Trump’s presidency coming to an end, the reactionary elements in the US and Arab world have sought to cement a circumstance of chaos and division. The two-prongs of Trump’s new deal with Morocco is not only a direct […]
Special webinar on IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back!
A special webinar hosted by the Young Communist League of Britain: IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back! 👊 🇱🇧 🌐 From the West to the Middle East, from Bolivia to Britain, imperialism is the ever present threat hanging over the lives of young workers all over the world. It is a […]
YCL designer features in the II Anti-Imperialist Poster Exhibition on Neoliberalism
Comrade Robert Streader, member of our Agitprop Commission, had his work featured in Neoliberalism, the second of four Anti-Imperialist Poster Exhibitions. The exhibition gathers work from 59 artists from 27 countries and 20 organizations. “The world is at a crossroads,” according to the organisers of the first online anti-imperialist poster exhibition. For the International Week […]
General Secretary in the Morning Star: The pandemic, capitalism and how the YCL is organising to help
YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter wrote in the Morning Star about the pandemic, how it has exposed the barbarity of capitalism and how the Young Communist League was organising to help. The pandemic calls for solidarity against those who seek to exploit us – and the YCL is organising to help “Human beings are naturally […]
Press in Morning Star: Protest at Polish Embassy
On 2 March 2020 comrades from the London Branch and friends organised a protest outside the Embassy of Poland in response to a call from the Communist Party of Poland for international solidarity following political persecution. Young Communist League protests at Polish embassy over persecution of its comrades The Young Communist League (YCL) protested outside […]
YCL National Foodbank Collection 2018
On Saturday 20 October the Young Communist League mobilised its branches, members, friends and allies to participate in the YCL’s first National Foodbank Collection. The largest collections took place in Cornwall, Glasgow, London, Manchester and Newcastle.
YCL at the General Assembly of WFDY

In mid-November 2015, the Young Communist League of Britain had the pleasure of attending the General Assembly of WFDY (the World Federation of Democratic Youth), the international federation for progressive, anti-imperialist and democratic youth groups, in Havana, Cuba.
Young Communist Omar Saad Imprisoned for Resisting Conscription in Israel

The following information came from the Communist Party of Israel website. The YCL expresses its solidarity with Omar Saad, the Young Communist League of Israel & Communist Party of Israel and the Israeli & Palestinian people, and denounces Israel’s militaristic aggression in the Middle East. At the end of the article they have detailed a […]