YCL designer features in the II Anti-Imperialist Poster Exhibition on Neoliberalism
Comrade Robert Streader, member of our Agitprop Commission, had his work featured in Neoliberalism, the second of four Anti-Imperialist Poster Exhibitions. The exhibition gathers work from 59 artists from 27 countries and 20 organizations. “The world is at a crossroads,” according to the organisers of the first online anti-imperialist poster exhibition. For the International Week […]
Press in Morning Star: “As I talk to you now, Beirut is burning.”
Following the devastating Beirut explosion, the Young Communist League spoke to Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth president Adnan Al Mokdad about his organisation’s response and the fast-moving political situation in Lebanon. On Monday 10 August 2020 the International Commission of the YCL also organised an appeal for our comrades in Lebanon to carry out essential […]
Donate Now – Aid Work Appeal for the Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth

Dear comrade/friend, Lebanon is in dire need of your help after the tragic events on Tuesday 4 August that devastated Beirut. The explosion left at least 158 dead, 6,000 injured and 300,000 people homeless according to the BBC. Meanwhile, Lebanon has been experiencing a severe economic crisis, with over 50,000 people protesting against the Government […]
Voices of Scotland in the Morning Star: COVID-19 and the balance of class forces
Lanarkshire Branch Secretary Josh Morris, who is also a young GMB shop steward, wrote in the Morning Star about how COVID-19 has changed the balance of class forces with new success in organising at work. Voices of Scotland: “This was true working class solidarity” I usually work as a lifeguard. I sit at the side […]
General Secretary in the Morning Star: The pandemic, capitalism and how the YCL is organising to help
YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter wrote in the Morning Star about the pandemic, how it has exposed the barbarity of capitalism and how the Young Communist League was organising to help. The pandemic calls for solidarity against those who seek to exploit us – and the YCL is organising to help “Human beings are naturally […]
Communist Party Political Committee Report February 2017: ‘Class Politics Vital to Understand Trump and EU’

‘The most powerful big business circles in the USA are determined to promote their interests aggressively against China, Russia and the European Union’, Communist Party chair Liz Payne told the party’s Political Committee on Wednesday evening
Young Trade Unionists Can Drive the Movement Forward

RMT Young Members is doing vital work to protect vulnerable youths from their employers, explains George Waterhouse, former YCL General Secretary, president of RMT Young Members in a feature in the Morning Star
UKIP: Smoke And Mirrors

Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths analyses the forces at work behind the growth of the Ukip ‘phenomenon’. The extensive media coverage of last week’s EU and local elections contrasts starkly with the lack of popular interest
UKIP Exposed: No Friend of the Workers!

In a searing editorial, Britain’s socialist daily, the Morning Star exposes UKIP – but takes the left to task for complacency too. Ukip is just as much a part of the neoliberal Establishment as the Tories or the EU. Progressives are rightly appalled by the incendiary anti-immigrant message being plastered on billboards across Britain by the […]
Kinder Scout Trespass Commemoration – Sponsored Fundraiser

On 27 April, the North West Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group is organising a fundraising commemorative walk to the Kinder Pass, scene of the famous and path-breaking mass trespass in 1932. The trespass was an act of willful defiance by the ramblers and was a watershed moment in the struggle for the rights to roam. It was […]