World Federation of Democratic Youth Statement on 65 years of NATO: 65 years Against Peace and the People
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) on 65 years of NATO. 65 years ago, on the 4th of April of 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization started its murderous course in history; a history full of wars, dictatorships, assassinations, invasions and occupations. NATO has been the greatest military tool of imperialism in the past […]
65 Years of NATO: Communist and Workers’ Parties Around the Globe Condemn the Imperialist Bloc

For Peace! No to NATO! Ever since it was created, 65 years ago, NATO has been an imperialist political-military bloc, a key element in its strategy of domination and exploitation, and of confrontation with the then USSR and socialist countries. NATO is responsible for the unending arms race, and the USA and its allies are […]
TUC Young Workers Conference 2014

RMT activist and shop steward, YCL member and former General Secretary George Waterhouse reports back (in a personal capactiy) from the TUC Young Workers Conference 2014. George highlights the political task facing communists within our own unions on key areas such as the EU, nationalisation and even aspects of austerity. George also notes the lack of […]
Scotland On The Breadline

In this article Young Communist League General Secretary Zoe Hennessy examines the devastating impact of the austerity agenda in Scotland. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 01/04/2014. During the last three decades neoliberalism has triumphed across Scotland and the rest of Britain. Our trade unions have been repeatedly undermined and humiliated by anti-union legislation and workers […]
£10,000 Emergency European Election Appeal

The Young Communist League gives every possible support to the No2EU election front of which the Communist Party is a leading member. We strongly support the objective of providing an “Exit Left!” vote in the 22nd of May European Elections. We will be supporting No2EU in campaigning and seek to do everything in our power to ensure […]
Communists – Home and Abroad Taking on the EU

Britain’s communists will launch an all-out effort to help put the left and progressive case against EU membership over the coming seven weeks. l The Communist Party’s political committee decided on Wednesday evening to make the forthcomingEuropean Parliament election campaign a top priority in tribute to Bob Crow, former RMT general secretary and leader of […]
Communists in East England: Demand ‘Health for the people’!

Communists in the East of England are demanding an end to government plans for the break-up and privatisation of Britain’s health services in the area. In a searing criticism, well-known local health campaigner Steve Sweeney has written a pamphlet which demonstrates how government plans will lead to the dismantling of the NHS. You can download […]
22nd May: Why you should vote No2EU!

The late great Bob Crow explains why YOU should vote No2EU in this years European elections. This article first appeared in the Morning Star. On May 22 we are asking you to lend us your vote and back No2EU: Yes to Workers’ Rights, an electoral coalition that supports workers’ rights, decent public services and peace. The European […]
Communist Party Scotland Statement on Scottish Independence

From Communist Party Scottish Executive Committee 4th March 2014. As agreed by Communist Party Scottish Committee. The Scottish Committee of the CPB defends the right of nations to self-determination and condemns the Coalition government for its threats of non-cooperation. If a majority of the Scottish people vote for independence in the 2014 referendum, then their […]
Liverpool Marches to Defend Public Services

On Saturday 15th March, unperturbed by the recent loss of two of its giants, the Labour movement in Liverpool turned out to show it’s support for the public sector which has been cut by nearly 30% in Merseyside compared to 2% in the Tory heartlands in the south. Led by the unions Unite and Unison, the […]