Solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine

Robert Griffiths Communist Party General Secretary in Britain has written to the Ukrainian Communists to express solidarity and support. You can read the letter in full here: l SOLIDARITY WITH THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF UKRAINE The Communist Party of Britain expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine in its struggle to defend the […]
Trade Union & Political Cadre School 8th & 9th March

The Communist Party Trade Union Coordinating Committee is convening a trade union and political cadre school for members and supporters meeting at Marx Library, in London, over the weekend of the 8/9 March. The YCL welcomes this event and it’s aims and would strongly encourage YCL members who are also active in the CP to […]
Ukraine: Alarm Bells Ring Out Across Europe as Fascism Rears it’s Ugly Head

The issues behind the protests that have brought Ukraine to the brink of civil war remain, writes John Foster CP International Secretary in the Morning Star. Alongside long-standing divisions in the country itself it has become a battleground for outside powers. “Ceding Ukraine to Moscow could turn into a broader undermining of Western credibility,” an […]
Communist Party Political Committee Report 20/02/2014

The decision of the Labour Party’s national executive committee to endorse the Collins report on trade union affiliation will ‘further deepen the crisis of working class political representation’, Bill Greenshields told the Communist Party political committee on Thursday (February 20). ] Most affiliated unions support the Collins proposals which will end their collective voice in […]
YCL Paisley – “The Case for Communism” Video of YCL Scotland Organiser Johnnie Hunter speaking at a YCL public meeting in Paisley on the 6th of February making the case for communism. YCL Scotland The Scottish Organiser describes how the YCL seek a revolutionary transformation of society. Britain’s communists want an end to poverty, an end to exploitation, an end to […]
International Seminar : Against the Threat of War and for World Peace

Invitation to International Seminar : Against the threat of war and for world peace
YCL North-West Remember the International Brigades

Sunday 09/02/2013 saw YCL North-West members attending, along with members of the Communist Party, the International Brigade Memorial Trust’s (IBMT) re-dedication of the plaque in Manchester Town Hall commemorating those who volunteered to fight Franco’s Fascism in Spain. Only a day after its reformation in the North-West, the YCL placed a wreath alongside that of […]
YCL Activity Rekindled in the North-West

This weekend saw the first meeting of the YCL in the north-west successfully rekindling the revolutionary flame across the beleaguered heartlands of the industrial revolution. At the meeting in Liverpool the district decided upon its course of action; to grow and strengthen the movement by the combined activities of recruitment and education. Comrades also enjoyed […]
No2EU: Yes to workers’ rights Gears Up for May European Elections

The No2EU campaign, which the Communist Party is a member of and which the YCL supports, is gearing up for the EU elections this coming May. It has published a a useful short pamphlet summarising its arguments with an introduction by RMT general secretary Bob Crow He writes that 25 years after then European Commission president Jacques […]