New YCL Executive Committee

Following the conclusion of our very successful 49th All-Britain Congress, the Young Communist League is pleased to announce the members and officerships of our new Executive Committee

Statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018

On Transgender Day of Remembrance 2018, the Young Communist League condemns transphobia in our society, expresses solidarity with those facing discrimination and remembers those killed because of transphobia.

101 Years of the Great October Socialist Revolution

On the 101st Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Russia, Chair of the Young Communist League, Johnnie Hunter, discusses the reasons behind the revolution, its legacy and most importantly its significance today in 2018

YCL Statement: Together Against Trump

The Young Communist League completely opposes US President Donald Trump’s visit to Britain this week. This is a position supported by workers and the youth across Britain. We call for socialists, trade unionists and young people to mobilise opposition in their communities and makes this message clear to Trump and the Tory government.

May Day 2018 Statement

The Young Communist League sends comradely greetings to the workers and youth of the world on May Day 2018!

YCL International Women’s Day 2018 Statement

The Young Communist League sends comradely greetings and solidarity to women everywhere on International Women’s Day 2018! For over a century this day has been marked with celebrations by workers and students the world over