Statement on Remembrance Day 2021

Today Britain’s Establishment and ruling class, in a yearly ritual, have again sought to use Remembrance Sunday to stir up militarism and jingoism to a new generation. Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the same Tory government and ruling class that have allowed well over 150,000 people in our country needlessly die from COVID-19 try […]
YCL Statement in solidarity with the peoples of Western Sahara

The Young Communist League has issued a statement in solidarity of the peoples of Western Sahara. With Trump’s presidency coming to an end, the reactionary elements in the US and Arab world have sought to cement a circumstance of chaos and division. The two-prongs of Trump’s new deal with Morocco is not only a direct […]
YCL designer features in the II Anti-Imperialist Poster Exhibition on Neoliberalism
Comrade Robert Streader, member of our Agitprop Commission, had his work featured in Neoliberalism, the second of four Anti-Imperialist Poster Exhibitions. The exhibition gathers work from 59 artists from 27 countries and 20 organizations. “The world is at a crossroads,” according to the organisers of the first online anti-imperialist poster exhibition. For the International Week […]
19 April – World Day of Action in Solidarity with Venezuela!
Today, the YCL in Britain will be participating in a world day of action to stand in solidarity with the people and youth of Venezuela, alongside other Communist youth organisations and progressive and anti-imperialist youth around the world.
Greetings to the YCL of the Donetsk People’s Republic!
The YCL received an invitation to the Second Congress of the Leninist Communist Youth League of the Donetsk People’s Republic (LKSM DNR), taking place in Donetsk on the 15 September. The Komsomol of the DPR is fighting for socialism and the construction of a people’s republic, following in the footsteps of the united Soviet nations. […]
YCL Statement on the Panama Papers – Left hypocrisy: let’s cut through the BS!

The revelations surrounding David Cameron’s tax-haven revenue scandal is certainly shocking. He should be doubly condemned for his own hypocrisy on the subject. It is, however, absolutely no surprise to the YCL to see the lead representative of the Capitalist class acting in such a manner.
YCL London film screening at the MML – a success

On the evening of Saturday 20 February, the YCL London District staged a film screening at the Marx Memorial Library in Clerkenwell featuring discussion from a Venezuelan Embassy speaker.
YCL at the General Assembly of WFDY

In mid-November 2015, the Young Communist League of Britain had the pleasure of attending the General Assembly of WFDY (the World Federation of Democratic Youth), the international federation for progressive, anti-imperialist and democratic youth groups, in Havana, Cuba.
WFDY statement on right-wing violence in Venezuela
THE WORLD FEDERATION OF DEMOCRATIC YOUTH PROCLAMATION IN REJECTION OF THE VIOLENT ACTIONS OF VENEZUELAN FASCIST RIGHT-WING AGAINST VENEZUELAN PEOPLE In recent hours, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has come under attack from the fascist right-wing, as a the plan of imperialism against the revolutionary process; supported by the most reactionary sectors -inside and outside- […]
18th World Festival of Youth and Students

The YCL extends solidarity and red greetings to all the delegates attending the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students in Quito, Ecuador 7th-13th of December 2013. We hope the British delegates have arrived safely and wish them the very best of luck. The festival will draw in over 15’000 progressive young people from over 100 […]