YCLers from across the United Kingdom converge on the quiet Peak District Village of Edale in order to strengthen the movement.
Young Communists from Scotland to Cornwall answered the Clarion’s call this last weekend to embark on an action packed weekend full of challenges, lessons and learning. Comrades pitched camp on a bleak Friday night in time for meeting, socialising and preparing for the following day.

Early on Saturday morning comrades marched towards the village of Edale where they paraded a host of flags through the village and began the ascent of Kinder Scout up a rocky ravine. The same path taken by their predecessors during the mass trespass of the 1930’s. Where after the arduous ascent they gained the summit and listened to a speech by local Communist Party member and keen rambler Peter Owen while they took the chance to catch their breath before the descent.
Back at the campsite, after lunch, comrades listened to lectures from Communist Party Executive committee members and TUC young worker of the year George Waterhouse and debated on topics such as democratic centralism, socialism and the environment and dialectical materialism.
That evening the YCL held a social event at Edale village hall where a speech from YCL General Secretary Zoe Hennessey and a rousing rendition of the Internationale, which echoed round the village, following the evening meal which all lifted comrades spirits after a wet and windy day in the hills.
After breaking camp on Sunday the YCL returned to Edale village hall for more education classes, including talks from Communist Party General Secretary Rob Griffiths and debates on topics from anti-Fascism and the pro’s and con’s of elections.

The first YCL camp was a resounding success allowing for comrades from all over the UK to meet and get to know each other and to share and debate ideas. As well as allowing for essential training and education. The YCL hopes to build on this event and make it an annually recurring event at different locations around the country. One to be sure not to miss!
If I could, I would join this. But I live in America and America is ignorant, and refuses to change. Keep it up ycl!
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Very proud to have a big Scottish Contingent heading down to Edale that weekend!