Special webinar on IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back!
A special webinar hosted by the Young Communist League of Britain: IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back! 👊 🇱🇧 🌐 From the West to the Middle East, from Bolivia to Britain, imperialism is the ever present threat hanging over the lives of young workers all over the world. It is a […]
YCL statement on student COVID-19 lockdowns
The Young Communist League has issued a statement condemning the shameful lockdown of thousands of students at universities across Britain and calling for increased support for students affected.
Press in the Murdoch Media: YCL involvement in Extinction Rebellion protests
On Saturday 5 September, following Extinction Rebellion protests that aimed to block distribution of The Sun, The Times, The Express, The Mail and The Evening Standard (all owned by News Corporation, a right-wing and anti-working class media monopoly belonging to Rupert Murdoch), The Times and The Express reported that members of the Young Communist League […]
YCL: World marks 75 years since atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has issued the following statement marking the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
YCL Statement on the Summer Budget
The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement in response to the Governments Summer Budget.
Common Announcement in Solidarity with the youth and the people of the USA
Common Announcement the Communist, Progressive and Anti-imperialist Youth organisations of the world The Communist, progressive and Anti-imperialist Youth Organisations, that sign this common announcement, we condemn the most recent criminal acts in the USA, the brutal murder of Afro-American George Floyd, by the police, and the violent repression and attempted criminalisation of the struggles against […]
YCL: Cummings must go – and take the government with him
The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in response to the fiasco at Downing Street. YCL: Tory government’s response to Coronavirus is criminal – 13 March 2020. Communist Party of Britain statement on the COVID-19 crisis – 19 March 2020. YCL: negligent Tories failing to protect working […]
YCL Statement on International Workers Memorial Day
The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark International Workers Memorial Day 2020.
General Secretary in the Morning Star: The pandemic, capitalism and how the YCL is organising to help
YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter wrote in the Morning Star about the pandemic, how it has exposed the barbarity of capitalism and how the Young Communist League was organising to help. The pandemic calls for solidarity against those who seek to exploit us – and the YCL is organising to help “Human beings are naturally […]
YCL Statement on UN Anti-Racism Day
The Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2020.