The Big EU Jobs Lie

No2EU London candidate Alex Gordon exposes the reality behind claims that 3.5 million jobs will disappear unless Britain remains locked into the European Union. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 02/04/2014 The popularity of the European Union, not only in Britain but among citizens of every member state, is collapsing. Eurobarometer, the EU’s own polling […]

Workers’ Memorial Day 28th April 2014

International Workers’ Memorial Day is on the 28th of April 2014 and with the ongoing ConDem offensive against health and safety it is especially important we rally on the 28th to highlight this fact and galvanise the resistance. Memorials will be taking place the length and breadth of the country so make sure you attend your […]

Young Communist Omar Saad Imprisoned for Resisting Conscription in Israel

The following information came from the Communist Party of Israel website. The YCL expresses its solidarity with Omar Saad, the Young Communist League of Israel & Communist Party of Israel and the Israeli & Palestinian people, and denounces Israel’s militaristic aggression in the Middle East. At the end of the article they have detailed a […]

Caution: Corrosive ConDem Government Hazardous to Health!

YCL North-West Organiser Owain Holland reports on the ongoing Con-Dem offensive on health and safety in the workplace and need for a fightback in the run up to 28th of April, International Workers’ Memorial Day. Not content with cutting funding towards health and safety the Tory-led government intends to privatise the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). […]

TUC Young Workers Conference 2014

RMT activist and shop steward, YCL member and former General Secretary George Waterhouse reports back (in a personal capactiy) from the TUC Young Workers Conference 2014. George highlights the political task facing communists within our own unions on key areas such as the EU, nationalisation and even aspects of austerity. George also notes the lack of […]

Scotland On The Breadline

In this article Young Communist League General Secretary Zoe Hennessy examines the devastating impact of the austerity agenda in Scotland. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 01/04/2014. During the last three decades neoliberalism has triumphed across Scotland and the rest of Britain. Our trade unions have been repeatedly undermined and humiliated by anti-union legislation and workers […]

£10,000 Emergency European Election Appeal

The Young Communist League gives every possible support to the No2EU election front of which the Communist Party is a leading member. We strongly support the objective of providing an “Exit Left!” vote in the 22nd of May European Elections. We will be supporting No2EU in campaigning and seek to do everything in our power to ensure […]

Kinder Scout Trespass Commemoration – Sponsored Fundraiser

On 27 April, the North West Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group is organising a  fundraising commemorative walk to the Kinder Pass, scene of the famous and path-breaking mass trespass in 1932.  The trespass was an act of willful defiance by the ramblers and was a watershed moment in the struggle for the rights to roam. It was […]