YCL Scotland Winter Day School 2014

The Young Communist League Scotland is pleased to advertise it’s Winter 2014 Day School on Saturday the 6th of December! The day has an array of speakers on a variety of subjects and building on the success of the Spring 2014 day school promises to be an excellent event.
YCL Scotland Spring Day School 2014

l The Young Communist League Scotland is pleased to advertise it’s Spring 2014 Day School! The day has an array of speakers on a variety of subjects and building on the success of the Autumn 2013 day school promises to be an excellent event.
Student Protests at Birmingham University

The YCL expresses solidarity and support to those students in Birmingham & putting themselves at the forefront of the struggle against the cuts & attempts at ever increasing privatisation of our education system. The YCL condemns the deep impact which this government’s ideologically motivated austerity is having upon our education system particularly university, college and […]
Support the December 3rd UK Universities Strike

The YCL once again calls on all students across the UK to support the strike action called by UCU, UNISON, EIS and Unite for today 3rd of December. The YCL welcomed the good turnout for striking workers and was particularly heartened by the broad and widespread support from students for the strike action on the […]
Support the UK universities Halloween Strike

The YCL calls on all students across the UK to support the strike action called by UCU, UNISON and Unite for tomorrow 31st of October. On Thursday students should not attend lectures, tutorials or seminars etc. or use university library, or any other facilities, while the strike action is taking place. Where possible attend the […]