Common Announcement of Communist Youth Organization’s on the Developments in Ukraine

The developments in Ukraine are particularly crucial and dangerous, first of all for the people and the youth of the country, who are being transformed again into victims of the intense antagonisms between the USA-EU and Russia, for the control of markets, of natural resources and the transportation networks of the country. The open intervention […]
Statement of World Federation of Democratic Youth on the Developments in Ukraine
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) on the developments in Ukraine 05/03/2013 These past months the international anti-imperialist movement has been watching closely the dangerous developments that are taking place in Ukraine and the power struggle among imperialism that has been leading the Ukrainian people down a dangerous path. In the past few days […]
Solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine

Robert Griffiths Communist Party General Secretary in Britain has written to the Ukrainian Communists to express solidarity and support. You can read the letter in full here: l SOLIDARITY WITH THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF UKRAINE The Communist Party of Britain expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine in its struggle to defend the […]
Ukraine: Alarm Bells Ring Out Across Europe as Fascism Rears it’s Ugly Head

The issues behind the protests that have brought Ukraine to the brink of civil war remain, writes John Foster CP International Secretary in the Morning Star. Alongside long-standing divisions in the country itself it has become a battleground for outside powers. “Ceding Ukraine to Moscow could turn into a broader undermining of Western credibility,” an […]
No2EU: Yes to workers’ rights Gears Up for May European Elections

The No2EU campaign, which the Communist Party is a member of and which the YCL supports, is gearing up for the EU elections this coming May. It has published a a useful short pamphlet summarising its arguments with an introduction by RMT general secretary Bob Crow He writes that 25 years after then European Commission president Jacques […]
CP International Department Briefing on Ukraine
Communist Party Of Ukraine: How to Save Ukraine from Civil War

The following statement is from the Press Office of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The YCL expresses our solidarity with the Communist Party of the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We oppose the meddling of the EU and the USA in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation. Please see the original statement here. The […]
Prospects For Nuclear Disarmament In Britain

Alan Mackinnon, secretary of Scottish CND & Scottish Committee member of the Communist Party, argues that the campaign to reject Trident needs to keep up the pressure both north and south of the border in 2014. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 20/01/2014. Last month a report from the House of Commons defence select committee highlighted the stark […]
No2EU Pours Scorn Over Osborne’s Empty EU Threats

Tory threats to leave the authoritarian neoliberal bloc are “hogwash”. This article first appeared as a feature in the Morning Star 16/01/2014. Chancellor George Osborne raised the prospect of Britain leaving the European Union yesterday if the 28-nation bloc fails to undertake fundamental reforms. Mr Osborne said more needed to be done to improve competitiveness, create jobs and […]
A Mixed Year for the Left in Britain

Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths looks at the highs and lows of the past year in politics. This article first appeared as a feature in the Morning Star 24/12/2013 Where stand Britain’s political parties at the close of 2013 and into the new year? The Tories should be feeling relieved and pleased. Technically, the economy has grown […]