Communist Party Executive Committee Report: ‘Tories boost profits and poverty’

Speaking at the Communist Party executive committee at the weekend, vice chair Liz Payne accused the Tories of representing the interests of ever fewer big business corporations. She said they were the ‘bought and paid for creatures’ of the City of London’s financial institutions which control key enterprises and sectors of the British economy. ‘Chancellor Osborne […]
Support the Women’s Assembly Against Austerity!

Anita Wright, Secretary of the National Assembly of Women and Communist Party Executive Committee, member calls for women to attend the Women’s Assembly Against Austerity in this article from the Morning Star. The YCL welcomes this initiative as ruling class austerity is hitting women, and even more especially young women, particularly hard. Cuts in legal […]
Voices for the Miami 5

The Young Communist League and the Communist Party are supporting a major new online campaign for the Miami Five and are asking comrades, supporters of Cuban socialism and all those who believe in justice to add your voice of support to it. This Campaign has been established to build and mobilise support for the Miami […]
Communist Party in the East: Successful Political Day School and Congress

Communists and supporters in the east of England held a political day school and district congress in Cambridge on Saturday 25 January. First reported on CP website. The Political day school, attended by party activists and supporters from Norwich, Bury St Edmunds, Wymondham, Essex, Cambridge, Ipswich, Hadleigh, St Neots and Ely, was divided in to […]
Communist Party Of Ukraine: How to Save Ukraine from Civil War

The following statement is from the Press Office of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The YCL expresses our solidarity with the Communist Party of the Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We oppose the meddling of the EU and the USA in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation. Please see the original statement here. The […]
Communist Party Political Committee Report 22/01/2014

Communist Party vice chair Liz Payne accused the the Liberal Democrats of ‘sinking in a swamp of opportunism’ at her party’s political committee on Wednesday. / ‘They no longer defend civil liberties and they certainly don’t stand up for the rights of women in public life’, declared Ms Payne, who is also CP national women’s […]
CP Cadre Schools Spring 2014

CP POLITICAL DAY SCHOOLS: Communists kick off 2014 campaigning Communists in the East of England will convene a political day school on 25th January in Cambridge. CP members and supporters from throughout the district, which stretches from Southend to Norwich will attend sessions to discuss and plan campaigns for: the No2EU Yes to Worker’s Rights […]