Communist Party of Britain Statement on Events in Ukraine

The Communist Party of Britain condemns the continuing violation of the 17 April Geneva Declaration by the coup government in Kiev as a grave threat to world peace. The Geneva declaration stated that all sides in Ukraine ‘must refrain from any violence, intimidation or provocative action’. It called for ‘the immediate establishment of a broad […]
Ukraine: Fascist Barbarism

Communist Party member Kenny Coyle examines the liberal media’s refusal to put the true politics of Kiev’s neonazi groups under the spotlight. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 29/04/2014 On the internet there is a tongue-in-cheek axiom known as Godwin’s Law. It holds that in online discussions on any conceivable topic it is only a matter of […]
Visions of Communism

A well as subscribing to the YCL magazine Challenge we recommend the Communist Party’s own theoretical journal Communist Review. The latest issue of CR kicks off a regular series looking at what a Communist Britain might look like!
People’s Assembly National Demonstration 21st June

The People’s Assembly has called for a mass national demonstration on the 21st of June to oppose austerity and in support of an alternative. The YCL calls for a great mobilisation in support of this demonstration. We will be calling on branches and districts up and down the country to come to London for the march on Parliament. We say […]
EU exposed by the Left in Europe

A European left declaration strengthens opposition to the EU, writes John Foster CP International Secretary in the Morning Star. This week 15 communist and left parties from across the European Union issued a joint statement on the reactionary and anti-working class character of the EU. The signatories include the French, Spanish, Portuguese , Czech and Cypriot communist […]
Lifeworks Occupation: Health Trust Cuts Delayed by Brave Action

Plans to slash NHS mental health services in Cambridge to meet government-imposed budget cuts have been met with defiant resistance – Steve Sweeney who has helped organise solidarity, writes. An occupation of part of the Tenison Road building which hosts the Lifeworks service is approaching its sixth week
The Big EU Jobs Lie

No2EU London candidate Alex Gordon exposes the reality behind claims that 3.5 million jobs will disappear unless Britain remains locked into the European Union. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 02/04/2014 The popularity of the European Union, not only in Britain but among citizens of every member state, is collapsing. Eurobarometer, the EU’s own polling […]
Scotland On The Breadline

In this article Young Communist League General Secretary Zoe Hennessy examines the devastating impact of the austerity agenda in Scotland. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 01/04/2014. During the last three decades neoliberalism has triumphed across Scotland and the rest of Britain. Our trade unions have been repeatedly undermined and humiliated by anti-union legislation and workers […]
£10,000 Emergency European Election Appeal

The Young Communist League gives every possible support to the No2EU election front of which the Communist Party is a leading member. We strongly support the objective of providing an “Exit Left!” vote in the 22nd of May European Elections. We will be supporting No2EU in campaigning and seek to do everything in our power to ensure […]
Kinder Scout Trespass Commemoration – Sponsored Fundraiser

On 27 April, the North West Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group is organising a fundraising commemorative walk to the Kinder Pass, scene of the famous and path-breaking mass trespass in 1932. The trespass was an act of willful defiance by the ramblers and was a watershed moment in the struggle for the rights to roam. It was […]