Young Communists: Two Years On – Fight for a People’s Brexit!

The Young Communist League has released the following statement in response to the Government’s Chequers Agreement.
May Day 2018 Statement

The Young Communist League sends comradely greetings to the workers and youth of the world on May Day 2018!
Galvanise the Left Vote; Build the League
Statement from YCL General Secretary Owain Holland on the June 2017 General Election result: June’s election has shown not just a huge appetite for ‘change’ but an undeniable approval of socialism amongst working class Britain. Especially amongst the youth of Britain. They have shattered the Tory’s ‘Strong & Stable’ delusion. Comrades, we must recruit and […]
Communist Party Statement on General Election Result

Statement from Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths on the June 8th General Election result: Twelve million people have voted for a left-wing Labour manifesto and a majority of electors have rejected austerity policies. The Tories have no mandate for five months of public spending cuts, never mind another five years. In raising Labour’s share […]
Communists say: Vote Labour Everywhere for a Left-Led Government

Communist Party of Britain General Secretary, Robert Griffiths, has released the following statement today (23 April ), following an extended meeting of the party’s Political Committee in London.
Communist Party Political Committee Report January 2017: For Internationalism and a People’s Brexit!

General Secretary Robert Griffiths delivered the Political Report to the first meeting of the Communist Party’s new Executive Committee on 21 January 2017 outlining the international and domestic political situation and the tasks facing Britain’s Communists. There is an ancient and well-worn Chinese saying: ‘May you live in interesting times’. What is not so well-known – […]
May 2015: Young Communists to Stand for Parliament

Young communists are represented in the Young Communist League, which has been in the forefront of fighting for the rights of young workers, apprentices and students since early in 1921. The YCL was the first organisation in Britain to campaign for extending the vote to 16 year olds, and in the general election, two members […]
Austerity Vision is of a 1930s Britain; Welfare Reforms Designed to Impoverish and Unsettle Communities

Zoe Hennessy,YCL General Secretary, explains how the ConDems ideological war against the welfare state is turning the clock back on hard-won gains in employment and housing
What Will Communists be Striving for in 2015?

What will communists be striving for in 2015? Asks CP general secretary Robert Griffiths, looking towards a year of struggle for social justice, peace and socialism
CP General Secretary Robert Griffiths: Ten Ways to Reject the Fraud of ‘Austerity’

Britain needs a pay rise and not even the right-wing state and corporate media can ignore the gross inequality in our society writes Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths in the Morning Star