The youth of Britain and the world oppose UK-USA-Australia nuclear aggression

The Central Committee of the Young Communist League has issued the following statement in response to the announcement of the new AUKUS nuclear aggression pact. The YCL completely opposes the reckless and aggressive actions of Boris Johnson’s Tory Government, at the command of their US puppet masters in the White House and the Pentagon, to […]
SNP Programme for Government – Not fairer, not greener

Scottish Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement in response to the announcement of the SNP-Green Coalition’s Programme for Government.
Special webinar on IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back!
A special webinar hosted by the Young Communist League of Britain: IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back! 👊 🇱🇧 🌐 From the West to the Middle East, from Bolivia to Britain, imperialism is the ever present threat hanging over the lives of young workers all over the world. It is a […]
YCL International Bulletin: Spring 2020
Welcome to the first edition of the quarterly YCL International Bulletin for Spring 2020, covering the period of December 2019 to May 2020. December 2019 We attended the General Assembly of the World Federation of Democratic Youth, represented by Comrade Pierre Marshall, member of our Executive Committee from Oxford. We also had the great pleasure […]
YCL Statement on VE Day

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark the 75th Anniversary of Victory over Fascism in Europe.
Press in Morning Star: Protest at Polish Embassy
On 2 March 2020 comrades from the London Branch and friends organised a protest outside the Embassy of Poland in response to a call from the Communist Party of Poland for international solidarity following political persecution. Young Communist League protests at Polish embassy over persecution of its comrades The Young Communist League (YCL) protested outside […]
Join the YCL!

Throughout September 2019 the Young Communist League is conducting a National Recruitment Month. We are calling on young workers and students across Britain to join us and join the struggle against, austerity, imperialism and war – to join the struggle for socialism in our lifetime. Over the next 30 days we’ll be giving you thirty […]
YCL Statement on Labour Party Brexit Announcement

The Young Communist League Executive Committee have released the following statement condemning the Labour Party’s Brexit announcement today.
Appeal to the Youth: Boycott the EU Elections on 23 May!

The working people and youth of Britain:- 23 May 2019: a People’s Boycott The Communist Party and the Young Communist League are calling for a People’s Boycott of Britain’s EU Parliamentary elections on 23 May 2019. Our reasons for this are clear. We are fighting to protect what little democracy we have under Britain’s rigged […]
Join the People’s Boycott

The YCL is joining the Communist Party’s campaign for a People’s Boycott of the European parliament elections, called for 23 May.