YCL Summer Camp 2014 Photo Album

Let’s build on the fantastic demonstration against the NATO summit in Newport last Saturday. No to NATO aggression and imperialism! Yes to peace and Socialism! Read the full report from the Morning Star!
Statement from the Communist Party of Ukraine

A message from The Central Committee Communist Party of Ukraine to Communist and Worker’s parties
Unity For Palestine!
Day of Action for Public Ownership

The YCL fully supports this day of action called for by Bring Back British Rail, We Own It, Action For Rail and All on Board. The re-nationalistion of Britain’s railways has widespread majority support across Britain, it would allow us to rebuild an efficient public transport system, ran for people not for profit, and an important first step […]
Stop the US and UK Funding the Murder of Civilians in Gaza and Donbass!
London YCLers and other comrades met on Tuesday (12th August) outside the US Embassy to protest US imperialism’s role in the current crises in Palestine and Ukraine. Save Gaza, save Ukraine! Get involved with the campaigns Solidarity with Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine and Palestine Solidarity Campaign UK today
What’s In A Yes Vote For Scottish Youth?

Writing in Britain’s socialist daily the Morning Star, Young Communist League General Secretary Zoe Hennessy argues independence is dead end for Scottish youth and workers. This article first featured in the Morning Star 12/08/2014
WFDY Statement on Developments in Iraq & the Middle East
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth on the developments in Iraq and their consequences in the Middle East
US and EU Imperialism “looking for Lebensraum”

Writing in Britain’s socialist daily the Morning Star, Communist Party international secretary John Foster warns what happens when western imperialism, in the form of the EU-USA, looks East. This article first featured in the Morning Star 02/08/2014
WFDY Statement on 100th Anniversary of WWI
Statement of the World Federation of Democratic Youth for the 100 years since the beginning of World War I.