United Strike Action: Victory to the Working Class!

The Young Communist League has issued the following statement in support today’s combined strike action and demonstrations by multiple trade unions across Britain for fair pay and against the new Tory anti-trade union laws and attacks on the right to strike:
Statement on new Tory anti-strike laws

The Young Communist League has issued the following statement in response to Tory plans for new laws attacking trade unions and the right to strike in Britain:
YCL Statement on International Workers Memorial Day

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark International Workers Memorial Day 2021.
Join our Young Organiser School 2021

Celebrate the launch of the YCL’s 100 year celebrations with a range of speakers from across the trade union and labour movement!
Voices of Scotland in the Morning Star: COVID-19 and the balance of class forces
Lanarkshire Branch Secretary Josh Morris, who is also a young GMB shop steward, wrote in the Morning Star about how COVID-19 has changed the balance of class forces with new success in organising at work. Voices of Scotland: “This was true working class solidarity” I usually work as a lifeguard. I sit at the side […]
YCL Statement on May Day 2020

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark International Workers Day 2020.
YCL Statement on International Workers Memorial Day

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark International Workers Memorial Day 2020.
YCL Statement on the result of the Labour leadership election

The Young Communist League has issued the following statement on the result of today’s Labour leadership election. The election of Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner as Leader and Deputy Leader, represents a significant blow for the left in the Labour Party. The election of a right wing Labour leader belies key failings of the Labour […]
YCL Statement: Support the university walk outs!

The Young Communist League expresses its full support with today’s (20 February 2020) strike action called by the University and College Union (UCU) which begins a 14 day walkout between 20 February and 13 March 2020 at 74 universities across Britain.
Young Workers & Trade Union Activists Weekend School – 29th & 30th August

The Young Communist League are hosting a Young Worker Trade Union School for YCL and CP members on the 29th and 30th of August