<strong>One Year of the Tragic Conflict in Ukraine: Stop the War – Start the Peace</strong>

The Central Committee of the Young Communist League has issued the following statement to mark the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine:
Statement on Remembrance Day 2021

Today Britain’s Establishment and ruling class, in a yearly ritual, have again sought to use Remembrance Sunday to stir up militarism and jingoism to a new generation. Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the same Tory government and ruling class that have allowed well over 150,000 people in our country needlessly die from COVID-19 try […]
The youth of Britain and the world oppose UK-USA-Australia nuclear aggression

The Central Committee of the Young Communist League has issued the following statement in response to the announcement of the new AUKUS nuclear aggression pact. The YCL completely opposes the reckless and aggressive actions of Boris Johnson’s Tory Government, at the command of their US puppet masters in the White House and the Pentagon, to […]
Support the peace process in Colombia – stop the war!

Statement of the Young Communist League of Colombia (Juventud Comunista Colombiana) about the political situation in their country, requesting your solidarity.