Voices of Scotland in the Morning Star: COVID-19 and the balance of class forces
Lanarkshire Branch Secretary Josh Morris, who is also a young GMB shop steward, wrote in the Morning Star about how COVID-19 has changed the balance of class forces with new success in organising at work. Voices of Scotland: “This was true working class solidarity” I usually work as a lifeguard. I sit at the side […]
Press in Daily Record: Communist graffiti “display of anger” towards UK Government’s handling of pandemic
On 13 May 2020 our Lanarkshire Branch Secretary Josh Morris talked to East Kilbride News about graffiti that had appeared in the local area. Communist slogans daubed across East Kilbride “display anger” towards UK Government’s handling of pandemic, by Fraser N Wilson The secretary of an emerging political group has moved to distance his party […]
YCL: Tory negligence has killed tens of thousands; the drive for profit risks millions

The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) in response to yesterday’s (10 May 2020) government announcement attacking lockdown protections. YCL: Tory government’s response to Coronavirus is criminal – 13 March 2020. Communist Party of Britain statement on the COVID-19 crisis – 19 March 2020. YCL: negligent Tories failing […]
National Demonstration: March for the NHS – 4 March 2017

A national demonstration has been called for Saturday 4 March 2017 in London to protect the NHS against Tory cuts and the privateer vultures circling our National Health Service
Rossington speaks out for Students and Youth

Communist candidate for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, Laura-Jane Rossington, went down a storm at Thursday’s election hustings hosted by City College Plymouth. The 18-year-old student spoke passionately about the issues facing young people in Plymouth and delivered a simple message – tax the rich. Read her opening statement.
Communist Party Demands Nationalised Pharmaceutical Industry

The Communist Party called for nationalisation of pharmaceutical industry yesterday, after news that multinational Pfizer is set to buy British-based AstraZeneca. (Report from Morning Star 09/05/2014) The party warned against mass redundancies and soaring medical costs if the government-backed takeover of AstraZeneca takes place
Lifeworks Occupation: Health Trust Cuts Delayed by Brave Action

Plans to slash NHS mental health services in Cambridge to meet government-imposed budget cuts have been met with defiant resistance – Steve Sweeney who has helped organise solidarity, writes. An occupation of part of the Tenison Road building which hosts the Lifeworks service is approaching its sixth week
Communists in East England: Demand ‘Health for the people’!

Communists in the East of England are demanding an end to government plans for the break-up and privatisation of Britain’s health services in the area. In a searing criticism, well-known local health campaigner Steve Sweeney has written a pamphlet which demonstrates how government plans will lead to the dismantling of the NHS. You can download […]