Special webinar on IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back!
A special webinar hosted by the Young Communist League of Britain: IMPERIALISM, and how the youth can organise and fight back! 👊 🇱🇧 🌐 From the West to the Middle East, from Bolivia to Britain, imperialism is the ever present threat hanging over the lives of young workers all over the world. It is a […]
Press in Morning Star: “As I talk to you now, Beirut is burning.”
Following the devastating Beirut explosion, the Young Communist League spoke to Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth president Adnan Al Mokdad about his organisation’s response and the fast-moving political situation in Lebanon. On Monday 10 August 2020 the International Commission of the YCL also organised an appeal for our comrades in Lebanon to carry out essential […]
Donate Now – Aid Work Appeal for the Union of Lebanese Democratic Youth

Dear comrade/friend, Lebanon is in dire need of your help after the tragic events on Tuesday 4 August that devastated Beirut. The explosion left at least 158 dead, 6,000 injured and 300,000 people homeless according to the BBC. Meanwhile, Lebanon has been experiencing a severe economic crisis, with over 50,000 people protesting against the Government […]