YCL Statement condemning the Military Coup in Bolivia

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has issued the following statement denouncing the military coup in Bolivia.
WFDY Statement in Solidarity with the Student Movement in Mexico
Statement from the World Federation of Democratic Youth in Solidarity with the Student Movement in Mexico. The militancy of the student movement in Latin America and vocation of art has had memorable milestones that have defined an established history of popular struggles, especially those related to democratization, free and qualitative education. At any point of the […]
Interview with Camila Vallejo: A Chance To Transform Chile For Good

Previous to the landslide victory for Bachelet in the presidential elections in Chile, Mireya Saavedra spoke to newly elected Chilean communist CAMILA VALLEJO on what the weekend’s presidential election would mean for her country. Camila Vallejo is member-elect of the Chilean House of Deputies for La Florida and on the central committee of the Communist Youth of Chile. This […]