UKIP Exposed: No Friend of the Workers!

In a searing editorial, Britain’s socialist daily, the Morning Star exposes UKIP – but takes the left to task for complacency too. Ukip is just as much a part of the neoliberal Establishment as the Tories or the EU. Progressives are rightly appalled by the incendiary anti-immigrant message being plastered on billboards across Britain by the […]
Lifeworks Occupation: Health Trust Cuts Delayed by Brave Action

Plans to slash NHS mental health services in Cambridge to meet government-imposed budget cuts have been met with defiant resistance – Steve Sweeney who has helped organise solidarity, writes. An occupation of part of the Tenison Road building which hosts the Lifeworks service is approaching its sixth week
Workers’ Memorial Day 28th April 2014

International Workers’ Memorial Day is on the 28th of April 2014 and with the ongoing ConDem offensive against health and safety it is especially important we rally on the 28th to highlight this fact and galvanise the resistance. Memorials will be taking place the length and breadth of the country so make sure you attend your […]
Kinder Scout Trespass Commemoration – Sponsored Fundraiser

On 27 April, the North West Morning Star Readers and Supporters Group is organising a fundraising commemorative walk to the Kinder Pass, scene of the famous and path-breaking mass trespass in 1932. The trespass was an act of willful defiance by the ramblers and was a watershed moment in the struggle for the rights to roam. It was […]
Croydon Communists: ‘Build houses!’

Croydon communists — expose the failure of capitalism to resolve chronic housing shortage and call for a radical plan of rebuilding and regeneration. You can read the pamphlet here.
Communists in East England: Demand ‘Health for the people’!

Communists in the East of England are demanding an end to government plans for the break-up and privatisation of Britain’s health services in the area. In a searing criticism, well-known local health campaigner Steve Sweeney has written a pamphlet which demonstrates how government plans will lead to the dismantling of the NHS. You can download […]
Student Protests at Birmingham University

The YCL expresses solidarity and support to those students in Birmingham & putting themselves at the forefront of the struggle against the cuts & attempts at ever increasing privatisation of our education system. The YCL condemns the deep impact which this government’s ideologically motivated austerity is having upon our education system particularly university, college and […]
YCL General Secretary New Year Address

Comrades and friends, I would first like to thank the many of you who donated so generously to the YCL as part of our festive appeal. 2013 was a period of change for the YCL. Mick Carty stepped down as general secretary due to his age earlier this year, and I was elected in his […]