YCL General Secretary Zoe Hennessy’s Speech to the Communist Party’s 53rd Congress

YCL General Secretary Zoe Hennessy warned CP delegates at the 53 Congress of the challenges facing young workers, students and the unemployed; and spoke about the priorities for Britain’s Communist movement
53rd Congress of the Communist Party

Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths on this weekend’s 53rd Congress of the Communist Party. In their Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), Marx and Engels wrote that the Communists have no interests separate and apart from those of the working class as a whole
Remember the Fallen

Bernadette Wang reminds us what Remembrance Sunday should actually be about, this article was first featured in the most recent edition of Challenge. Come this Remembrance Sunday on 9th November, David Cameron, his government and indeed the entire British Establishment will seek to whip up sentiments of jingoism and false patriotism
CP General Secretary Robert Griffiths: Ten Ways to Reject the Fraud of ‘Austerity’

Britain needs a pay rise and not even the right-wing state and corporate media can ignore the gross inequality in our society writes Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths in the Morning Star
South African CP General Secretary Blade Nzimande: “Yes, youth do have a future.”

On Tuesday 21 October, Blade Nzimande, General Secretary of the South African Communist Party and Government Minister for Higher Education and Training, visited Cambridge accompanied by colleagues representing Further Higher Education Institutions. Blade was hosted by the Cambridge CP and spoke to hundreds of young students.
Britain Needs a Payrise!
A few pictures from the TUC’s Britain Needs a Payrise demonstration – If you have more pictures please send them to the page!
Iraqi Communists: Solidarity with the Iraqi People and Democratic Forces

The Iraqi Communist Party sets out the situation in the country and calls for solidarity with their struggle for sovereignty and democracy
Britain Needs a Payrise!

Join the YCL at the TUC organised ‘Britain Needs a Payrise‘ March and Rally on the 18th of October. The sham economic recovery paraded by the Tories bears no relation to the reality of the lives of workers across Britain who have been, and continue to be, pummeled with endless austerity, unemployment and falling or […]
Britain’s Communists say: No to Imperialist War! Solidarity against Sectarian Terror!

The US-led military intervention in Iraq and Syria has little to do with defeating Islamic State, rescuing religious and ethnic communities or promoting peace
Statement from Syrian Communist Party on Intervention

Statement from the Syrian Communist Party, fraternal party to the Communist Party of Britain through the International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties, on imperialist intervention in Syria