The Big EU Jobs Lie

No2EU London candidate Alex Gordon exposes the reality behind claims that 3.5 million jobs will disappear unless Britain remains locked into the European Union. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 02/04/2014 The popularity of the European Union, not only in Britain but among citizens of every member state, is collapsing. Eurobarometer, the EU’s own polling […]
TUC Young Workers Conference 2014

RMT activist and shop steward, YCL member and former General Secretary George Waterhouse reports back (in a personal capactiy) from the TUC Young Workers Conference 2014. George highlights the political task facing communists within our own unions on key areas such as the EU, nationalisation and even aspects of austerity. George also notes the lack of […]
£10,000 Emergency European Election Appeal

The Young Communist League gives every possible support to the No2EU election front of which the Communist Party is a leading member. We strongly support the objective of providing an “Exit Left!” vote in the 22nd of May European Elections. We will be supporting No2EU in campaigning and seek to do everything in our power to ensure […]
Communists – Home and Abroad Taking on the EU

Britain’s communists will launch an all-out effort to help put the left and progressive case against EU membership over the coming seven weeks. l The Communist Party’s political committee decided on Wednesday evening to make the forthcomingEuropean Parliament election campaign a top priority in tribute to Bob Crow, former RMT general secretary and leader of […]
22nd May: Why you should vote No2EU!

The late great Bob Crow explains why YOU should vote No2EU in this years European elections. This article first appeared in the Morning Star. On May 22 we are asking you to lend us your vote and back No2EU: Yes to Workers’ Rights, an electoral coalition that supports workers’ rights, decent public services and peace. The European […]
Liverpool Marches to Defend Public Services

On Saturday 15th March, unperturbed by the recent loss of two of its giants, the Labour movement in Liverpool turned out to show it’s support for the public sector which has been cut by nearly 30% in Merseyside compared to 2% in the Tory heartlands in the south. Led by the unions Unite and Unison, the […]
Bob Crow: A Great Champion of the Workers

Responding to news about the death of RMT General Secretary Bob Crow, Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths said: ‘The left and the labour movement have lost a great champion of workers and their families across the world. Bob was a deeply committed and principled socialist who fought as hard for the working class as […]
No2EU: Yes to workers’ rights Gears Up for May European Elections

The No2EU campaign, which the Communist Party is a member of and which the YCL supports, is gearing up for the EU elections this coming May. It has published a a useful short pamphlet summarising its arguments with an introduction by RMT general secretary Bob Crow He writes that 25 years after then European Commission president Jacques […]
Stop the cuts on the London Underground – every job matters!
The YCL condemns the vicious assault on London Underground workers and the Underground Service. These cuts are ideologically driven and will only serve to damage the service, increase risks to safety and throw one thousand workers on the scrap heap. The YCL extends solidarity and support to the RMT, TSSA and ASLEF in this struggle. […]