YCL London Recruitment Campaign

The Young Communist League launched a successful recruitment campaign in London yesterday (22nd July), with a look to future campaigning against fascism and winning young people to socialism

Communist Party Political Committee Report 13/07/2014

Britain should be a voice for peace, sanity and social justice in the world – not a junior megaphone for US expansionism and EU neo-liberalism, Communist Party general secretary Robert Griffiths said this week.

Challenge: Latest Issue

Challenge : People’s Assembly June 21st Special Edition [June 2014; Volume 21; Issue 35] £1.50 + 75p P&P Challenge is the quarterly journal of the YCL – it regularly contains articles covering all the latest news and views of the YCL, developments international, articles covering important historical developments, culture, different campaigns and struggles taking place in Britain and […]

YCL Statement on July 10 National Strike

The Young Communist League sends solidarity to the two million workers taking strike action on July 10 after rejecting the government’s insulting 1 per cent pay offer.

Opposing Wars Of Empire: Then And Now

David Cameron plans to celebrate “British values” by spending £55 million to commemorate the centenary of the first world war writes Alan Mackinnon, secretary of CND Scotland and CPB member. This article first featured in the Morning Star 01/07/2014.

Free Iranian Union Leaders – Communists Urge

The British government expects Iran to ‘uphold the right to form and join trade unions’ in line with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, according to assurances given to Communist Party of Britain general secretary Robert Griffiths.

Communist Party General Secretary Call to Build the People’s Assembly

The Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths issues a rallying call to build the people’s assembly to defeat austerity and reverse the ruling class offensive. Britain is becoming one of the most unequal countries in the developed world. Multimillionaires flourish as grinning government ministers cut the ribbon to open yet another foodbank.