YCL Statement on International Women’s Day 2021
The Young Communist League sends greetings and solidarity to working women everywhere on International Working Women’s Day 2021 and calls for an assault on austerity policies that leave vulnerable women in the lurch.
YCL Statement on attacks on Iraqi Communist Party
The International Commission of the Young Communist League has released a statement condemning recent attacks on the headquarter and comrades of the Iraqi Communist Party.
YCL Statement on Holocaust Memorial Day 2021
The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released a statement to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2021.
YCL Statement on Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020
The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League released the following statement to mark Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020.
YCL statement on World Mental Health Day 2020
The Young Communist League has issued a statement marking World Mental Health Day 2020.
YCL: “Our history and our future cannot be banned – against the Tory government’s state attack on anti-capitalism in schools!”
The Young Communist League has issued a statement condemning recent attempts by the Tory government and Department for Education to outlaw anti-capitalism in schools.
YCL: “6 months of criminal negligence & profiteering by the Tories leave Britain dangerously underprepared for a second COVID-19 spike”
The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, in response to the arrival of a second spike across Britain and the imposition of new lockdown measures.
YCL statement on student COVID-19 lockdowns
The Young Communist League has issued a statement condemning the shameful lockdown of thousands of students at universities across Britain and calling for increased support for students affected.
YCL: Cummings must go – and take the government with him
The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in response to the fiasco at Downing Street. YCL: Tory government’s response to Coronavirus is criminal – 13 March 2020. Communist Party of Britain statement on the COVID-19 crisis – 19 March 2020. YCL: negligent Tories failing to protect working […]
YCL Statement on UN Anti-Racism Day
The Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 2020.