Liverpool People’s Assembly Flourishes

Report from YCL North-West: Hundreds of people packed out the hall at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool to hear prominent members of several unions, Owen Jones and the Secretary of the People’s Assembly itself; Sam Fairbairn. People queued out of the doors and up the stairs to hear the what was to be said.

No British Troops for Ukraine War Games

The crisis in Ukraine is fast escalating into a civil and proxy war. Over 150 people have died in clashes between Ukrainian Soldiers and anti-fascists in eastern Ukraine, many of them civilians.

New British Solidarity Organisation Formed: Solidarity with Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine

[youtube=] Andrew Murray of the Communist Party and the Stop the War Coalition speaking at the formation meeting of Solidarity with Antifascist Resistance in Ukraine At a packed meeting in London, a new solidarity organisation has been formed to organise support for the anti fascist peoples of the Ukraine. Go here to find out what you can […]

UKIP: Smoke And Mirrors

Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths analyses the forces at work behind the growth of the Ukip ‘phenomenon’. The extensive media coverage of last week’s EU and local elections contrasts starkly with the lack of popular interest

Communist Party Scottish Secretary on Scotland’s Choice

Tommy Morrison, Scottish Secretary of the Communist Party outlines the choices facing workers in the independence referendum which takes place on 18th September 2014. Currently the polls are very close.  If there is a Yes vote, Scotland will separate in less than two years time, March 2016.  At this point Scottish MPs will leave Westminster. […]

YCL Statement on International Day against Homophobia & Transphobia

Today 17/05/2014 is the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia. On this day we celebrate the diversity of gender and sexuality throughout humanity. We can look to the progress already made towards greater LGBT rights – but also consider the massive tasks which lie ahead of us, not only here in Britain, but on a […]

YCL Emergency Protest at Ukrainian Embassy

There was a fantastic turnout at the YCL’s emergency demonstration outside the Ukrainian Embassy in London yesterday (14/05/2014). Communists, trade-unionists and antifascists gathered at the demonstration called by the Young Communist League to condemn the EU-US-NATO led intervention in the country and to protest against the rise of fascism and attacks on communists and trade-unionists in […]