YCL Statement in solidarity with the peoples of Western Sahara

The Young Communist League has issued a statement in solidarity of the peoples of Western Sahara. With Trump’s presidency coming to an end, the reactionary elements in the US and Arab world have sought to cement a circumstance of chaos and division. The two-prongs of Trump’s new deal with Morocco is not only a direct […]
YCL: The YCL celebrates the defeat of Donald Trump but warns against triumphalism

The YCL celebrates the defeat of Donald Trump but warns – the struggle is just beginning for working people in the USA and those around the world battling US imperialism. The US presidential election has finally concluded, Joe Biden, has become the President-Elect of the USA, and Trump’s pre-emptive declaration of victory is null and […]
General Secretary in the Morning Star: The pandemic, capitalism and how the YCL is organising to help
YCL General Secretary Johnnie Hunter wrote in the Morning Star about the pandemic, how it has exposed the barbarity of capitalism and how the Young Communist League was organising to help. The pandemic calls for solidarity against those who seek to exploit us – and the YCL is organising to help “Human beings are naturally […]
YCL Statement on Trump-Netanyahu “Deal of the Century”

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has issued the following statement denouncing Trump’s so-called “Peace Plan” which seeks only to legitimise and fortify Israeli occupation and apartheid.
Join the YCL!

Throughout September 2019 the Young Communist League is conducting a National Recruitment Month. We are calling on young workers and students across Britain to join us and join the struggle against, austerity, imperialism and war – to join the struggle for socialism in our lifetime. Over the next 30 days we’ll be giving you thirty […]
YCL Statement on Developments in Venezuela

Statement by the Executive Committee of the Young Communist League on developments in Venezuela.
YCL Statement: Together Against Trump

The Young Communist League completely opposes US President Donald Trump’s visit to Britain this week. This is a position supported by workers and the youth across Britain. We call for socialists, trade unionists and young people to mobilise opposition in their communities and makes this message clear to Trump and the Tory government.
YCL Statement on US aggression towards the DPRK
Young Communists in Britain reject Donald Trump’s stance towards the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which evokes the darkest days of US imperialism and aggression
Communist Party Political Committee Report February 2017: ‘Class Politics Vital to Understand Trump and EU’

‘The most powerful big business circles in the USA are determined to promote their interests aggressively against China, Russia and the European Union’, Communist Party chair Liz Payne told the party’s Political Committee on Wednesday evening
Communist Party Political Committee Report January 2017: For Internationalism and a People’s Brexit!

General Secretary Robert Griffiths delivered the Political Report to the first meeting of the Communist Party’s new Executive Committee on 21 January 2017 outlining the international and domestic political situation and the tasks facing Britain’s Communists. There is an ancient and well-worn Chinese saying: ‘May you live in interesting times’. What is not so well-known – […]