United Strike Action: Victory to the Working Class!

The Young Communist League has issued the following statement in support today’s combined strike action and demonstrations by multiple trade unions across Britain for fair pay and against the new Tory anti-trade union laws and attacks on the right to strike:
TUC Young Workers Conference 2014

RMT activist and shop steward, YCL member and former General Secretary George Waterhouse reports back (in a personal capactiy) from the TUC Young Workers Conference 2014. George highlights the political task facing communists within our own unions on key areas such as the EU, nationalisation and even aspects of austerity. George also notes the lack of […]
Teachers Strike 26 March

In the last month, across England and Wales tens of thousands of teachers held public meetings, leafletted local shopping centres, lobbied their local MP or AM in support of the campaign Stand Up For Education. On 26 March many thousands took strike action and marched. In Manchester, Bristol, Newcastle, Birmingham, Cardiff and London, thousands took […]
Teachers Unions Seek United Way Forward for Education

Former YCL General Secretary & CP EC member Gawain Little says next week’s professional unity conference bringing together teacher union activists is vital for the future of education. ; On Febuary 13 the drive to privatise and deregulate our education system suffered a significant setback. This was the day the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB), […]