No to war & NATO imperialism! For peace & independent foreign policy!

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement in response to conclusion of the so-called NATO ‘Leaders Meeting’ in London 3-4 December 2019. The YCL reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of the NATO ‘Leaders Meeting’ imposed on Britain and London on 3 and 4 December 2019. Working people gain nothing but […]
Peoples Assembly Launches Election Manifesto

Bill Greenshields, Communist Party representative on national committee of the People’s Assembly outlines a radical new manifesto aiming to inspire a movement for economic justice in the run up to and beyoned, the 7 May general election
May 2015: Young Communists to Stand for Parliament

Young communists are represented in the Young Communist League, which has been in the forefront of fighting for the rights of young workers, apprentices and students since early in 1921. The YCL was the first organisation in Britain to campaign for extending the vote to 16 year olds, and in the general election, two members […]
What Will Communists be Striving for in 2015?

What will communists be striving for in 2015? Asks CP general secretary Robert Griffiths, looking towards a year of struggle for social justice, peace and socialism
Britain Needs a Payrise!
A few pictures from the TUC’s Britain Needs a Payrise demonstration – If you have more pictures please send them to the page!
Britain Needs a Payrise!

Join the YCL at the TUC organised ‘Britain Needs a Payrise‘ March and Rally on the 18th of October. The sham economic recovery paraded by the Tories bears no relation to the reality of the lives of workers across Britain who have been, and continue to be, pummeled with endless austerity, unemployment and falling or […]
Communist Party General Secretary Call to Build the People’s Assembly

The Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths issues a rallying call to build the people’s assembly to defeat austerity and reverse the ruling class offensive. Britain is becoming one of the most unequal countries in the developed world. Multimillionaires flourish as grinning government ministers cut the ribbon to open yet another foodbank.
UKIP: Smoke And Mirrors

Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths analyses the forces at work behind the growth of the Ukip ‘phenomenon’. The extensive media coverage of last week’s EU and local elections contrasts starkly with the lack of popular interest
UKIP Exposed: No Friend of the Workers!

In a searing editorial, Britain’s socialist daily, the Morning Star exposes UKIP – but takes the left to task for complacency too. Ukip is just as much a part of the neoliberal Establishment as the Tories or the EU. Progressives are rightly appalled by the incendiary anti-immigrant message being plastered on billboards across Britain by the […]
Communist Party Political Committee Report 22/01/2014

Communist Party vice chair Liz Payne accused the the Liberal Democrats of ‘sinking in a swamp of opportunism’ at her party’s political committee on Wednesday. / ‘They no longer defend civil liberties and they certainly don’t stand up for the rights of women in public life’, declared Ms Payne, who is also CP national women’s […]