General Election – Volunteer for socialism, Donate to the campaign, Join the Party

ONLY THE COMMUNIST PARTY SAYS NO TO AUSTERITY, PRIVATISATION, THE EU, NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND NATO. Only Communist Party candidates will be campaigning for a Wealth Tax, the closure of British-run tax havens, public ownership of essential industries and services, a Trade Union Freedom Bill and a federal Britain with its own independent foreign and defence […]

May 2015: Young Communists to Stand for Parliament

Young communists are represented in the Young Communist League, which has been in the forefront of fighting for the rights of young workers, apprentices and students since early in 1921.  The YCL was the first organisation in Britain to campaign for extending the vote to 16 year olds, and in the general election, two members […]

Communists attack Labour’s ‘vote losing failures’

“Labour is failing to put forward a clear, popular and progressive policy on each of the five key General Election issues identified in recent public opinion polls”, Communist Party chair Liz Payne told the party’s political committee on the 21st January.