Communist Party General Secretary Call to Build the People’s Assembly

The Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffths issues a rallying call to build the people’s assembly to defeat austerity and reverse the ruling class offensive. Britain is becoming one of the most unequal countries in the developed world. Multimillionaires flourish as grinning government ministers cut the ribbon to open yet another foodbank.

Communist Party Political Committee Report 11/06/2014

Speaking to the Communist Party’s political committee on Wednesday the 11th of June, international secretary John Foster  warned that events in Ukraine once more demonstrated the dangers of Britain’s membership of NATO.

21st Century Marxism 2014

A weekend of discussion, debate, culture, music and food with national and international speakers from the labour, progressive and anti-imperialist movements hosted by the Communist Party of Britain.

YCL Summer Camp 2014

The Young Communist League is very pleased to announce the arrangements for the YCL Summer Camp 2014! The camp will be happening from Friday the 29th of August till Sunday the 31st of August 2014 and is open to all members and friends of the YCL under 30