Put Council Housing Centre Stage in Political Debate

Writing in the Morning Star, columnist Glyn Robbins makes a powerful case for unions and housing activists to use the next 40 weeks running up to the general election, to make the building council residences centre stage in political debate.

Liverpool People’s Assembly Flourishes

Report from YCL North-West: Hundreds of people packed out the hall at the Adelphi Hotel in Liverpool to hear prominent members of several unions, Owen Jones and the Secretary of the People’s Assembly itself; Sam Fairbairn. People queued out of the doors and up the stairs to hear the what was to be said.

People’s Assembly National Demonstration 21st June

The People’s Assembly has called for a mass national demonstration on the 21st of June to oppose austerity and in support of an alternative. The YCL calls for a great mobilisation in support of this demonstration. We will be calling on branches and districts up and down the country to come to London for the march on Parliament. We say […]

Lifeworks Occupation: Health Trust Cuts Delayed by Brave Action

Plans to slash NHS mental health services in Cambridge to meet government-imposed budget cuts have been met with defiant resistance – Steve Sweeney who has helped organise solidarity, writes. An occupation of part of the Tenison Road building which hosts the Lifeworks service is approaching its sixth week

Scotland On The Breadline

In this article Young Communist League General Secretary Zoe Hennessy examines the devastating impact of the austerity agenda in Scotland. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 01/04/2014. During the last three decades neoliberalism has triumphed across Scotland and the rest of Britain. Our trade unions have been repeatedly undermined and humiliated by anti-union legislation and workers […]

Croydon Communists: ‘Build houses!’

Croydon communists — expose the failure of capitalism to resolve chronic housing shortage and call for a radical plan of rebuilding and regeneration. You can read the pamphlet here.

Communists in East England: Demand ‘Health for the people’!

Communists in the East of England are demanding an end to government plans for the break-up and privatisation of Britain’s health services in the area. In a searing criticism, well-known local health campaigner Steve Sweeney has written a pamphlet which demonstrates  how government plans will lead to the dismantling of the NHS. You can download […]