Challenge : May Day 2014 Edition
[May 2014; Volume 21; Issue 34] £1.50 + 75p P&P
Challenge is the quarterly journal of the YCL – it regularly contains articles covering all the latest news and views of the YCL, developments international, articles covering important historical developments, culture, different campaigns and struggles taking place in Britain and the rest of the world, as well as regular features such as the Back to Basics series (Marxist concepts made easy) and the poetry corner.
You can order a copy of the latest issue of Challenge right here!
This edition features articles:
- on the forthcoming EU elections;
j - the continuing fight for the liberation of Women;
j the latest on the developing situation in Ukraine;
j- countdown to the Scottish Independence referendum; ~
j - Worker’s Memorial Day;
j - TUC Young Members Conference report;
j - and all the latest news, views and reviews from Britain’s Young Communists.