YCL at the General Assembly of WFDY

In mid-November 2015, the Young Communist League of Britain had the pleasure of attending the General Assembly of WFDY (the World Federation of Democratic Youth), the international federation for progressive, anti-imperialist and democratic youth groups, in Havana, Cuba.
Imagining A Britain Without Trident

On November 31 more than 1,500 people demonstrated at the gates of Faslane Naval Base demanding that, irrespective of the outcome of Scotland’s independence referendum, Trident still has to go. Alan MacKinnon is a member of the Communist Party’s Scottish Committee and Secretary of Scottish CND. This article first featured in the Morning Star 09/12/2014
Prospects For Nuclear Disarmament In Britain

Alan Mackinnon, secretary of Scottish CND & Scottish Committee member of the Communist Party, argues that the campaign to reject Trident needs to keep up the pressure both north and south of the border in 2014. This article first appeared in the Morning Star 20/01/2014. Last month a report from the House of Commons defence select committee highlighted the stark […]