Statement on Remembrance Sunday 2022

The Young Communist League have issued the following statement to mark Remembrance Sunday 2022:
Statement on Remembrance Day 2021

Today Britain’s Establishment and ruling class, in a yearly ritual, have again sought to use Remembrance Sunday to stir up militarism and jingoism to a new generation. Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the same Tory government and ruling class that have allowed well over 150,000 people in our country needlessly die from COVID-19 try […]
YCL Statement on Remembrance Sunday 2020

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark Remembrance Sunday 2020.
YCL Statement on Remembrance Sunday 2019

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement to mark Remembrance Sunday 2019.
YCL Statement on Remembrance Sunday 2018

Statement of the Executive Committee of the Young Communist League on Remembrance Sunday 2018.
YCL Statement on Remembrance Sunday

This Remembrance Sunday, David Cameron and his government, and indeed the entire British establishment, are seeking to whip up sentiments of jingoism and false patriotism ahead of next year’s World War One centenary. They claim to be remembering and celebrating Britain’s fallen service men and women. The YCL recognises that in this they are only […]