YCL: Tory negligence has killed tens of thousands; the drive for profit risks millions

The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) in response to yesterday’s (10 May 2020) government announcement attacking lockdown protections. YCL: Tory government’s response to Coronavirus is criminal – 13 March 2020. Communist Party of Britain statement on the COVID-19 crisis – 19 March 2020. YCL: negligent Tories failing […]
YCL: Tory lies and negligence in face of mounting COVID-19 crisis

The Young Communist League has issued an updated statement on the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and the criminal failure of Boris Johnson’s Tory government to protect working people in Britain. YCL: Tory government’s response to Coronavirus is criminal – 13 March 2020. Communist Party of Britain statement on the COVID-19 crisis – 19 March 2020. […]
General Secretary’s 2020 New Year’s Address

The Young Communist League’s new General Secretary, Johnnie Hunter, has released a New Year’s address to mark the beginning of 2020.
YCL Statement on the General Election Result

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement on today’s General Election Result.
YCL Statement on the General Election

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released the following statement outlining the League’s position on the upcoming general election.
Boris Out: General Election Now!

Statement of the Executive Committee of the Young Communist League on the imposition of Boris Johnson as the new Prime Minister of the UK.
Galvanise the Left Vote; Build the League
Statement from YCL General Secretary Owain Holland on the June 2017 General Election result: June’s election has shown not just a huge appetite for ‘change’ but an undeniable approval of socialism amongst working class Britain. Especially amongst the youth of Britain. They have shattered the Tory’s ‘Strong & Stable’ delusion. Comrades, we must recruit and […]
Communist Party Statement on General Election Result

Statement from Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths on the June 8th General Election result: Twelve million people have voted for a left-wing Labour manifesto and a majority of electors have rejected austerity policies. The Tories have no mandate for five months of public spending cuts, never mind another five years. In raising Labour’s share […]
Real Power for the People of Wales!

Trevor Jones unveils the political programme of the Communists which favours a far greater devolution of powers from Brussels and London including areas of industrial relations, culture, health and education
Peoples Assembly Launches Election Manifesto

Bill Greenshields, Communist Party representative on national committee of the People’s Assembly outlines a radical new manifesto aiming to inspire a movement for economic justice in the run up to and beyoned, the 7 May general election