Croydon Communists: ‘Build houses!’

Croydon communists — expose the failure of capitalism to resolve chronic housing shortage and call for a radical plan of rebuilding and regeneration. You can read the pamphlet here.
Communists in East England: Demand ‘Health for the people’!

Communists in the East of England are demanding an end to government plans for the break-up and privatisation of Britain’s health services in the area. In a searing criticism, well-known local health campaigner Steve Sweeney has written a pamphlet which demonstrates how government plans will lead to the dismantling of the NHS. You can download […]
YCL Condemns Fire Station Closures in London

Ten London fire stations have closed their doors for the last time as callous Tory Mayor Boris Johnson pushed through £50 million of cuts to the fire and rescue service against overwhelming public opposition. Johnson’s cuts will save each household a paltry 7 pence a week, at a cost of 552 jobs and 14 fire […]