Marx’s Law of Value Has Stood the Test of Time

Alex Gordon, Chair of the Marx Memorial Library, recently gave an introduction to Marx’s classic speech delivered to the International Workingmen’s Association (IWMA) general council setting out the law of value
CP General Secretary Robert Griffiths: Ten Ways to Reject the Fraud of ‘Austerity’

Britain needs a pay rise and not even the right-wing state and corporate media can ignore the gross inequality in our society writes Communist Party General Secretary Robert Griffiths in the Morning Star
South African CP General Secretary Blade Nzimande: “Yes, youth do have a future.”

On Tuesday 21 October, Blade Nzimande, General Secretary of the South African Communist Party and Government Minister for Higher Education and Training, visited Cambridge accompanied by colleagues representing Further Higher Education Institutions. Blade was hosted by the Cambridge CP and spoke to hundreds of young students.
Celebrating 150 years since the First International Worker’s Association

You are invited to a seminar celebrating 150 years of the founding of the International Workingmen’s Association 1864-2014! When? 28 September 2014 From 10:00 am Where? Marx Memorial Library, 37a Clerkenwell Green, London,
Communists Call for a Federal Britain

The Scottish referendum campaign and result have shown why we need to move towards a progressive, democratic, federal system for the nations of Britain
Rallying for a New Start for Politics in Scotland

The outcome of the referendum on independence places a very heavy responsibility on all those committed to the cause of social justice and of the advance to socialism, writes Tommy Morrison, Scottish Secretary of the Communist Party of Britain
Communist Party Statement on Scottish Referendum Result

Friday 19th September 2014. Scottish electors have exercised their right of self-determination. In doing so, they have decided to remain part of Britain and have reaffirmed an understanding that unity at this level is critical to the fight for social and economic justice and against the Tory attacks that affect all the peoples of Britain
Vote NO on the 18th!

Scotland beware the poisoned chalice of false independence!” Chair of the Communist Party, Bill Greenshields, warns the promise of false independence is a trap that will weaken working-class unity.
Communist Party History Film
90 Years of Struggle: For the Working Class and Humanity “90 Years of Struggle” is a documentary about the history of the Communist Party in Britain. Produced back in 2010 the film is now being serialised on Youtube. Watch all 7 parts here. Part One – Foundation Following the world war (1914-1918) and the Russian […]
Young Communists Climb to Victory at First Annual Camp

YCLers from across the United Kingdom converge on the quiet Peak District Village of Edale in order to strengthen the movement