Statement on Remembrance Day 2021

Today Britain’s Establishment and ruling class, in a yearly ritual, have again sought to use Remembrance Sunday to stir up militarism and jingoism to a new generation. Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the same Tory government and ruling class that have allowed well over 150,000 people in our country needlessly die from COVID-19 try […]
Join our Young Organiser School 2021

Celebrate the launch of the YCL’s 100 year celebrations with a range of speakers from across the trade union and labour movement!
YCL Statement on the Murder of Sarah Everard and Violence Against Women

The YCL has issued a statement relation in response to the tragic and reprehensible abduction and murder of Sarah Everard.
YCL Statement on International Women’s Day 2021

The Young Communist League sends greetings and solidarity to working women everywhere on International Working Women’s Day 2021 and calls for an assault on austerity policies that leave vulnerable women in the lurch.
YCL Statement on attacks on Iraqi Communist Party

The International Commission of the Young Communist League has released a statement condemning recent attacks on the headquarter and comrades of the Iraqi Communist Party.
YCL Statement on Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

The Executive Committee of the Young Communist League has released a statement to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2021.
General Secretary’s 2021 New Year’s Address

The Young Communist League’s General Secretary, Johnnie Hunter, has released a New Year’s address to mark the beginning of 2021.