Fight Food Poverty

Across Britain, branches of the Young Communist League are working with local food banks and aid organisations on a semi-regular basis to help run collections for food, toiletries, and other essential items in their local communities.
Food poverty in Britain in 2024?!
Statistics from the Trussell Trust, the nationwide charity coordinating food banks, show that since the Tories took power the number of emergency food parcels provided by foodbanks in Britain has increased from just 40,898 in 2010 to 2,173,158 in the 2021/22 financial year – an increase of 5,200%. Of those 2.1 million food parcels, nearly 832,000 went to children.
The reality behind these statistics is sickening – working people in one of the richest countries on the planet are unable to feed themselves. It is a damning indictment of the inhumane capitalist system. This increase is the direct result of the austerity policies of successive Conservative Governments.
Workers must fight to remove this anti-worker government. But we also need to come together to help the most vulnerable working people made to suffer in the interests of big business and finance capital.

Solidarity, not charity!
Communists don’t believe in charity. Working people deserve more than the crumbs off the table. This is a political act. It will draw attention to the cruel impact of Tory austerity in the working class communities that we live in. It is a practical example of working class solidarity and a demonstration of unity in the face of this Government. Equally importantly, it will provide some small relief to those facing dire poverty as we approach winter.
Please give generously. We appreciate your support and solidarity.