IV. Membership
d) Members shall pay their dues by an annual subscription.

Welcome to the Young Communist League!

If you are viewing this page, that means that your application process is complete and you have been inducted into a local branch of our organisation.

Young people in Britain face a grim future under capitalism. But we cannot give up on our dreams, and we will not. We say the youth deserve a dignified life. We have to give up on capitalism.

The only solution is to organise and to struggle like the many generations of working people that came before us. That is what we ask of each and every one of our members – and that is what we ask of everyone who joins our ranks.

Thank you for deciding to join the YCL, because you are not only deciding to join our organisation, but also to live your life with a purpose.

Please select your dues rate from the options below and set up a direct debit.

YCL members, including YCL members who are also members of the Communist Party, pay dues in order to support the work of our organisation.

They receive a unique membership card, invitations and notices of our activities, and run in elections in our structures.

Only YCL members may pay dues. Members are advised to use their own discretion to determine where they sit in terms of low waged vs waged/solidarity membership.

Pay monthly:

If you are unable to pay dues via direct debit and have to pay in cash or otherwise, please discuss with your Branch Secretary or Organiser in the first instance.

You may also contact the Treasurer at, including in the subject “Membership Dues”.

Ed. April 2024