Cuba, which has always expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people, cannot stand by without condemning the undue news of a Malaysia Airlines plane being shot down in mid-flight over Ukrainian territory, in the zone under control of the war-mongering Petro Poroshenko government, states the leader of the Cuban Revolution.

18th July 2014 2:12:59 CDT

This morning the undue news of the shoot-down of the Malaysia Airlines plane at 10,100 metres above ground level while it was flying over Ukrainian territory, in the zone under control of the war-mongering government of chocolate magnate Petro Poroshenko, was all over the press.

Cuba, which has always expressed solidarity with the Ukrainian people, and in the difficult days of the Chernobyl tragedy gave aid to the many children affected by the poisonous radiation produced by the incident and always will be ready to do so, cannot stand by without condemning the actions of such an anti-Russian, anti-Ukrainian and pro-imperialist government.

At the same time, coinciding with the Malaysia Airlines crime, the prime minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, chief of a nuclear state, was ordering his army to invade the Gaza Strip, where within a few days hundreds of Palestinians have already died, many of them children. The President of the United States supported the action, calling the repugnant act legitimate self-defence. Obama doesn’t take the side of David against Goliath, rather Goliath against David.

As we all know, young men and woman of Israel, well versed for productive work, will instead be sent to die without honour or glory. I am unaware of the military doctrine of the Palestinians, but I know that a combatant disposed to die can defend his building to the very last ruins so long as he has his firearm, as the heroic defenders of Stalingrad proved.

I desire only to make clear my solidarity with the heroic people who are defending to the last inch that which has been their homeland for thousands of years.

Fidel Castro Ruz




17th July 2014

(Translated by YCL from Juventud Rebelde, daily newspaper of the Cuban youth:

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